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ArcGIS Enterprise
ارک جي اي اس ګڼيال (انټرپرايز)
ځايي ځيريکتيا پياوړې کړى
Build your foundation with the system that has it all—ArcGIS Enterprise. ArcGIS Enterprise is the complete software system for all your geospatial needs—make maps, analyze geospatial data, and share results to solve problems. Our market-leading GIS mapping software will support your work behind your firewall or in the cloud and deliver results.
Map and analyze with the leading GIS software
تړونى کاپي کاپي شو
Build your foundation with ArcGIS Enterprise.
Build your foundation with ArcGIS Enterprise
ارک جي اى اس ګڼيال (انټرپرايز) باندې يو کلک بنسټ جوړ کړئ
Secure enterprise deployment
Secure enterprise deployment
تړونى کاپي کاپي شو
With automation tools to get up and running quickly, ArcGIS Enterprise can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Choose to customize by adding ready-to-go capabilities and applications.
Mapping and visualization
Mapping and visualization
تړونى کاپي کاپي شو
Visualize your data spatially to improve your business decisions. From a simple web map to a fully customized application, you choose the way you want your data displayed for maximum impact.
Data management
Data management
تړونى کاپي کاپي شو
Connect to your existing data stores and ready-to-use storage. Take advantage of Esri's extensive collection of curated geospatial data for enhanced perspective.
Analysis and discovery
Analysis and discovery
تړونى کاپي کاپي شو
Perform analysis in your web browser with ArcGIS Enterprise tools that help you see patterns, trends, and anomalies in your data. Uncover the power of your data—whether it's raster, real-time, or big data—with ArcGIS Enterprise.
Learn more about analysis

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